Wikipedia Android app metrics for March 2021
Daily average Monthly total Value Source
Total number of unique users 2 599 523 5 309 218 - in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppSessions)
Average session time per user - - 1m 20s in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppSessions)
Total number of unique users that have set multiple languages in the app - - 31.3% (1.4M out of 4.3M) in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppDailyStats)
Total number of unique users that have been logged in to Wikipedia in the app - - 2.0% (85.1K out of 4.3M) in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppDailyStats)
Total number of unique users who were at least on one article page 21.5% (559.2K out of 2.6M) 61.8% (3.3M out of 5.3M) - in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppSessions)
Average session time of users on an article page - - 9s in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppSessions)
Total number of unique users that have made an edit 667 11 765 - in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppEdit)
Average session time of users that made an edit - - 5m 59s in-app analytics (Edit, Sessions)
Total number of unique users that have made an edit in “Suggested edits” 67 1 129 - mediawiki_history
Average session time of ”Suggested edits” users - - - in-app analytics (SuggestedEdits, Sessions)
Median time spent in “Suggested Edits” - - 55s in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppSuggestedEdits)
Total number of unique users that have unlocked at least one “Suggested edits” feature - - 5.4% (3.4K out of 63.4K) Suggested Edits backend db
Micro-contributions made in the app (add, translate, edit) 1 220 (1 014 descriptions/day, 233 captions/day) 890 432 (740 065 title descriptions, 150 367 image captions) - mediawiki_history
Micro-contributions made in the app via Suggested edits (add, translate) 903 (724 descriptions/day, 203 captions/day) 658 901 (527 954 title descriptions, 130 947 image captions) - mediawiki_history
Not-reverted image caption translations made via Suggested Edits - 33 402 cumulatively (1 917 just this month) - mediawiki_history
Total number of unique users in Explore feed 3 337 28 021 - in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppFeed)
Average time spent in Explore feed - - 8s in-app analytics (MobileWikiAppFeed)
New accounts registered inside app 651 20 174 - server-side account creation logs