AMC Metrics Status Report (FY2018-2019)


The Advance mobile contributions (AMC) mode is a feature set that adds more contributor capabilities to the mobile web experience (project page). This report shows the status of the key performance indicators identified in the Annual Plan as of the end of June 2019.

The feature was was first deployed as an opt-in setting on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias on March 20, 2019 due to their relatively large populations of existing mobile editors. On June 17, 2019, the team released a second set of features and included additional Wikipedias for testing and feedback (Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Thai). Please seel the full list of target wikis.

This report reflects the status of the KPIs as of the end of FY18-19 (June 2019). AMC is still in the process of being deployed and has not yet been promoted. Metrics will be re-caculated following full rolllout and promotion in Q1.


In the annual plan, the Readers Web team defined the following KPis:

Mobile web edit rate on target wikis.

  • Target: 10% increase from last year (overall metric).
  • Mobile web edits are defined using the existing edit tag.
  • Also reviewed tag edits from the new AMC edits tag (done in T212959) to see if they reach 1/11th of total mobile web edits, defined using the existing edit tag.

Retention rate for opt-in advanced mobile mode amongst medium and high-volume editors (100+ edits previous month) ( eswiki, arwiki, idwiki, thwiki, itwiki, jawiki, fawiki (overall, 100+ edits, 500+ edits).

  • Target: At least 60% retention.
  • Measured using the opt-in/opt-out button (done in T211197 using the PrepUpdate mf_amc_optin). This is set to true each time someone opts out.

Moderation actions on mobile web on target wikis

  • Target: 10% increase from last year - via the logs - not looking at AMC only but overall.
  • Moderation actions are defined in T213461

For more links to implementation tasks and technical details, see this overview task T210660

Mobile Web Edit Rate

For this report, we reviewed the mobile edit rate on the following:

  • Rate on target wikis where deployed: eswiki, arwiki, idwiki, itwiki, jawiki, fawiki, thwiki
  • overall rate across target wikis where AMC has been deployed
  • overall rate among active editors, in particular medium and high-volume editors (100+ edits 500+ edits).
  • proportion of AMC tagged edits out of the total mobile web edits defined using existing tag.


  • The tag identifies which edits come from users that have AMC enabled.
  • Article editing should be performed in the mobile mode.
  • Articles should be tagged advanced mobile edit and mobile web edit when AMC interface enabled
In [191]:

function code_toggle() {
  if (code_show){
  } else {
  code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
  <form action="javascript:code_toggle()">
    <input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code.">
In [633]:
shhh <- function(expr) suppressPackageStartupMessages(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(expr)))
    library(magrittr); library(zeallot); library(glue); library(tidyverse); library(glue); library(lubridate)
In [ ]:
#Collect all mobile web edits along mobile web edits tagged as AMC from all target wikis where AMC was deployed 
#grouped by user edit count

# In terminal
# spark2R --master yarn --executor-memory 2G --executor-cores 1 --driver-memory 4G

query <- "select
    date_format(event_timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as date,
    wiki_db as wiki,
    sum(cast(mobile_web_edit as int)) as mobile_web_edits,
    sum(cast(amc_edit as int)) as amc_edits
from (
        array_contains(revision_tags, 'mobile web edit') as mobile_web_edit, 
        array_contains(revision_tags, 'advanced mobile edit') as amc_edit,
            WHEN event_user_revision_count is NULL THEN 'undefined'
            WHEN event_user_revision_count < 100 THEN 'under 100'
            WHEN event_user_revision_count >= 100 AND event_user_revision_count < 500 THEN '100-499'
            ELSE '500+'
            END AS user_edit_count
    from wmf.mediawiki_history
        event_entity = 'revision' and
        event_type = 'create' and
        event_timestamp IS NOT NULL and
        wiki_db in ('eswiki', 'arwiki', 'idwiki', 'itwiki', 'jawiki', 'fawiki', 'thwiki') and
        event_timestamp between '2018-06-01' and '2019-06-30' and 
        snapshot = '2019-06'
) edits
group by wiki_db, date_format(event_timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), user_edit_count"

results <- collect(sql(query))
save(results, file="R/Data/mobile_web_edit_counts.RData")
In [630]:
mobile_web_edit_counts <- results
In [631]:
mobile_web_edit_counts$date <- as.Date(mobile_web_edit_counts$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")

mobile_web_edit_counts_clean <-  mobile_web_edit_counts %>%
gather(edit_type, edit_count, mobile_web_edits:amc_edits) %>%

Overall rate across all target wikis

In [739]:
##Overall monthly web edit counts and yoy change
mobile_web_edit_monthly_overall_yoy <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
filter(edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>% 
mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

A tibble: 13 × 3
2018-06-01271192 NA
2018-07-01263999 NA
2018-08-01289015 NA
2018-09-01284295 NA
2018-10-01301943 NA
2018-11-01282857 NA
2018-12-01293722 NA
2019-01-01341384 NA
2019-02-01304855 NA
2019-03-01330972 NA
2019-04-01325321 NA
2019-05-01351466 NA
In [634]:
vertical_lines <- as.numeric(as.Date(c("2019-03-20", "2019-06-17")))
In [811]:
##Plot overall mobile edits rate.

mobile_web_edit_monthly_overall <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
filter(edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>% 
mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
 ggplot(aes(x=date, y = total_mobile_edits)) + 
    geom_line(color = 'darkturquoise', size = 1 ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = as.numeric(as.Date("2019-03-20")),
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=3E5, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    scale_y_continuous("total mobile web edits per month", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "1 month") +
    labs(title = "Monthly mobile web edits \n on all target wikis where AMC was deployed") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"))

ggsave("Figures/mobile_web_edits_overall_monthly.png", mobile_web_edit_monthly_overall, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)
In [813]:
##Plot weekl overall mobile edits rate.

mobile_web_edit_daily_overall <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
filter(edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>% 
#mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
 ggplot(aes(x=date, y = total_mobile_edits)) + 
    geom_line(color = 'darkturquoise', size = 1 ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = vertical_lines,
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=8E3, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-06-17'), y=8E3, label="AMC deployed on Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Thai Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    scale_y_continuous("total mobile web edits per day", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "2 months") +
    labs(title = "Daily mobile web edits \n on all target wikis where AMC was deployed") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"))

ggsave("Figures/mobile_web_edits_overall_daily.png", mobile_web_edit_daily_overall, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

There was a steady increase in total mobile web edits the past year, which has been occuring prior to the deployment of AMC on target wikis. This is likely partly due to a sustained increase in overall active editors.

AMC was deployed to sets of target wikis on March 20, 2019 and June 17, 2019 but was not yet promoted. We will continue to monitor trends following full deployement and promotion of AMC.

Mobile web edit rate by edit count

In [800]:
## Plot of overall mobile web edit rate by user edit count

mobile_web_edit_monthly_byuser <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits',
          user_edit_count != 'undefined') %>% ### remove undefined user edit counts
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
    group_by(date, user_edit_count) %>%
    summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count))%>%
    ggplot(aes(x=date, y = total_mobile_edits, color = user_edit_count)) + 
    geom_line(size = 1)+
    scale_y_continuous("total mobile web edits per month", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "2 months", limits = c()) +
    labs(title = "Monthly mobile web edits by user edit count \n on all target wikis where AMC was deployed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = vertical_lines,
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=4.5E4, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-06-17'), y=4.5E4, label="AMC deployed on Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Thai Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),

ggsave("Figures/mobile_web_edits_byeditcount.png", mobile_web_edit_monthly_byuser, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

In [820]:
##Calculate overall YOY increase for 100+ and 500+ editors across all target wikis

mobile_web_edit_under100 <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(user_edit_count == 'under 100') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_100 <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(user_edit_count == '100-499') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_500 <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(user_edit_count == '500+') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)
In [822]:
# yoy table
edit_count <- c('under 100', '100+', '500+')
mobile_web_editcount_yoy <- rbind(mobile_web_edit_under100[13,], mobile_web_edit_100[13,], mobile_web_edit_500[13,])

mobile_web_editcount_yoy$edit_count= edit_count

A tibble: 3 × 4
2019-06-01605580.2205583under 100

There was an increase in the total mobile web edits made by active editors the past year. The largest YoY increae was for the 100-500 editor group.

Mobile web edit rate by target wiki

In [774]:
##Plot of mobile web edits by target wiki.

mobile_web_edit_monthly_bywiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
     filter(edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits',
           wiki %in% c('eswiki', 'arwiki', 'idwiki', 'itwiki', 'jawiki', 'fawiki', 'thwiki'))%>%
     mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
    group_by(date, wiki)%>%
    summarise(monthly_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=date, y = monthly_edits, color = wiki)) + 
    geom_line(size = 1) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = vertical_lines,
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=6E4, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-06-17'), y=6E4, label="AMC deployed on Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Thai Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    scale_y_continuous("mobile web edits per month", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "2 months", limits = c()) +
    labs(title = "Monthly mobile web edits on target wikis where AMC was deployed") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 10, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),
        legend.position= "bottom",
        legend.text=element_text(size = 12))


ggsave("Figures/mobile_web_edits_bywiki.png", mobile_web_edit_monthly_bywiki, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)
In [777]:
##Calculate YOY change for target wikis 
mobile_web_edit_arwiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'arwiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_eswiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'eswiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_idwiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'idwiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_itwiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'itwiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_jawiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'jawiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_fawiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'fawiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)

mobile_web_edit_thwiki <- mobile_web_edit_counts_clean %>%
    filter(wiki == 'thwiki',
          edit_type == 'mobile_web_edits') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_mobile_edits = sum(edit_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(yearOverYear= total_mobile_edits/lag(total_mobile_edits,12) -1)
In [778]:
# Create YoY Table
wiki_list <- c('arwiki', 'eswiki', 'idwiki', 'itwiki', 'jawiki', 'fawiki', 'thwiki')
mobile_web_edit_yoy <- rbind(mobile_web_edit_arwiki[13,], mobile_web_edit_eswiki[13,],
                            mobile_web_edit_idwiki[13,], mobile_web_edit_itwiki[13,],
                            mobile_web_edit_jawiki[13,], mobile_web_edit_fawiki[13,], mobile_web_edit_thwiki[13,])

mobile_web_edit_yoy$wiki= wiki_list

A tibble: 7 × 4
2019-06-01 20978-0.07406427arwiki
2019-06-01110830 0.16655790eswiki
2019-06-01 16457 0.22084570idwiki
2019-06-01 70841 0.27139755itwiki
2019-06-01 69357 0.37859273jawiki
2019-06-01 36918 0.57883933fawiki
2019-06-01 13119 0.23322053thwiki

There was a YoY increase in the mobile web edit rate for each target wiki ranging; except for Arabic Wikipedia which had a slight drop (-7.4%). The highest YoY increase was on Persian Wikipeida (57.8%).

Proportion of mobile web edits made with AMC edit interface

In [779]:
#Overall Proportion of mobile web edits tagged with AMC. 
#Reviewed only Spanish, Arabic and Indonesian since AMC has been deployed the longest on those wikis.
# Note: Analysis assumes that only mobile web edits are tagged with AMC (not desktop or app).

amc_edits_prop <- mobile_web_edit_counts %>%
    filter(date >= "2019-03-20", #deployment date
          wiki %in% c('eswiki', 'arwiki', 'idwiki')) %>% 
        group_by(wiki) %>%
        summarise(mobile_web_edits = sum(mobile_web_edits),
                 amc_edits = sum(amc_edits)) %>%
       = .$amc_edits, n = .$mobile_web_edits, conf.level = 0.95, tol = 1e-9))
        ) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = wiki, y = mean, color = wiki, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
        geom_linerange() +
        geom_label(aes(label = sprintf("%.2f%%", 100 * mean)), show.legend = FALSE) +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
        ggplot2::scale_color_brewer("Wiki", palette = "Set1") +
        ggplot2::labs(x = NULL, y = "Proportion of amc tags", title = "Proportion of mobile web edits made with AMC edit interface", subtitle = "On Spanish, Arabic, and Indonesian Wikis; With 95% credible intervals") +
        wmf::theme_min(plot.title = element_text(size=14))


ggsave("Figures/amc_edit_prop_bywiki.png", amc_edits_prop, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)
In [781]:
## Plot change daily change in proportion of amc edits. (e.g. daily serp offset)
# Note: Analysis assumes that only mobile web edits are tagged with AMC (not desktop or app).

amc_prop_weekly <- mobile_web_edit_counts %>%
        filter(date >= "2019-03-20", #deployment date
          wiki %in% c('eswiki', 'arwiki', 'idwiki')) %>% 
        mutate(date = floor_date(date, "week")) %>%
        group_by(date, wiki) %>%
        summarise(mobile_web_edits = sum(mobile_web_edits),
                 amc_edits = sum(amc_edits)) %>%
        mutate(prop_amc = amc_edits/mobile_web_edits) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = date, y= prop_amc, color = wiki)) +
        geom_line(size = 1) +
        scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks = "1 month")  +
        scale_y_continuous("Proportion of amc tags", labels = scales::percent_format()) +
        labs(title = "Weekly proportion of mobile web edits tagged with AMC edit") +
        wmf::theme_min(plot.title = element_text(size=14))


ggsave("Figures/amc_edit_prop_bywiki_weekly.png", amc_prop_weekly, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

Following deployment of the feature on March 20, 2019, only a small proportion of total mobile web edits were made while in AMC mode on Arabic, Spanish and Indonesian Wikipedias. There was a weekly increase in the proportion of edits made with AMC on Spanish and Indonesian Wikipedias, while there was a decrease on Arabic Wikipedia

Retention Rate

We reviewed the retention rate for opt-in advanced mobile mode amongst:

  • overall across all target wikis where deployed
  • eswiki, arwiki, idwiki, thwiki, itwiki, jawiki, fawiki
  • Users with 100+ edits, 500+ edits (cumulative).

Target: At least 60% retention. This is measured using the opt-in/opt-out button (done in T211197 using the PrepUpdate mf_amc_optin). This is set to true when a user opts out and set to false when they opt in. Schema:


  • Some general concerns about the data quality of the PrefUpdate schema, regarding duplicate events. T218835
  • Toggle is on the mobile settings page for logged in users server and client side
  • The feature is available as a separate setting (not a part of beta)
In [ ]:
##Query retention rates on target wikis with breakdown by user edit counts

# In terminal
# spark2R --master yarn --executor-memory 2G --executor-cores 1 --driver-memory 4G

query <- 
"with amc_optins as (
SELECT CONCAT(year,'-',LPAD(month,2,'0'),'-',LPAD(day,2,'0')) AS date,
event.isdefault as amc_selection,
event.userid as userid
FROM event_sanitized.prefupdate 
WHERE = 'mf_amc_optin' 
AND wiki IN ('eswiki', 'arwiki', 'idwiki', 'itwiki', 'jawiki', 'fawiki', 'thwiki') 
AND year = 2019 AND ((month >= 3 and day >=20) OR (month >= 4))
edits as (
event_user_id as userid,
    WHEN max(event_user_revision_count) is NULL THEN 'undefined'
    WHEN max(event_user_revision_count) < 100 THEN 'under 100'
    WHEN max(event_user_revision_count) < 500 THEN '100-499'
    ELSE '500+'
    END AS user_edit_count
FROM wmf.mediawiki_history
WHERE snapshot = '2019-06' 
Group by event_user_id, wiki_db
SELECT date, wiki, amc_selection, user_edit_count, COUNT(*) as n_opt
FROM amc_optins
ON amc_optins.userid = edits.userid and = edits.wiki_db
GROUP BY date, wiki, amc_selection, user_edit_count"

results <- collect(sql(query))
save(results, file="R/Data/amc_retention_rates.RData")
In [671]:
amc_retention_rates <- results
In [672]:
amc_retention_rates$date <- as.Date(amc_retention_rates$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
#Revise amc_opt_out to factor and clarfiy TRUE and FALSE labels. 
amc_retention_rates$amc_selection %<>% factor(c(TRUE, FALSE), c("amc_opt_out", "amc_opt_in"))

Overall Retention Rate of opt-in AMC

In [814]:
##Look at Overall Retention Rate
amc_retention_overall_daily <- amc_retention_rates %>%
filter(date <= '2019-06-30') %>% #filter out July due to incomplete history in mediawikihistory table
    #mutate(date = floor_date(date, "week")) %>%
    group_by(date, amc_selection) %>% 
    summarise(n_opt = sum(n_opt)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=date, y = n_opt, color = amc_selection)) + 
    geom_line(size = 1)+
    scale_y_continuous("Daily count", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "2 weeks") +
    labs(title = "Daily retention rate of opt-in AMC on all target wikis where deployed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = vertical_lines,
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=30, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-06-17'), y= 30, label="AMC deployed on Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Thai Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),

ggsave("Figures/amc_retention_daily.png", amc_retention_overall_daily, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

There was an 81% overall retention rate of the opt-in AMC mode across all target wikis where AMC was deployed (time period: March 20, 2019-June 30, 2019), surpassing the target of 60%.

Retention Rate of opt-in AMC by Target Wiki

In [784]:
# Overall retention rate

amc_retention_overall_percent <- amc_retention_rates %>%
filter(date <= '2019-06-30') %>% #filter out July due to incomplete history in mediawikihistory table
group_by(wiki, amc_selection) %>%
summarise(n_opt = sum(n_opt)) %>%
spread(amc_selection, n_opt)%>%
group_by(wiki) %>%
mutate(prop_opt_in_percent = amc_opt_in/(amc_opt_out+amc_opt_in)*100)

A grouped_df: 6 × 4
eswiki206 72377.82562
fawiki 12 11990.83969
idwiki 92 42082.03125
itwiki 5 3988.63636
jawiki 17 4572.58065
In [815]:
##Overall proportion of AMC retention rates on each target wiki

amc_retention_props <- amc_retention_rates %>%
    filter(date <= '2019-06-30') %>% #filter out July due to incomplete date
    group_by(wiki, amc_selection) %>% 
    summarise(n_opt = sum(n_opt)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=factor(1), y= n_opt, fill = amc_selection)) + 
    geom_col(position="fill") +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
    facet_wrap(~wiki, scale = "free_y") +
    labs(title = "Retention rate of opt-in AMC on all target wikis where deployed",
        fill = "AMC Selection",
        x= NULL,
        y = "Retention rate of opt-in AMC by user edit count") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),
ggsave("Figures/amc_retention_prop_bywiki.png", amc_retention_props, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

On target wikis, opt-in retention rates were high and ranged from 72.6% (Japanese Wikipedia) to 90.8% (Persian Wikipedia).

Retention Rate of opt-in AMC by user edit count

In [825]:
### Overall AMC Retention Rate Broken down by 100+ and 500+ editor groups
## TO Maybe change this to change in proportion over time. 

amc_retention_overall_byeditcount <- amc_retention_rates %>%
    filter(date <= '2019-06-30') %>% #filter out July due to incomplete history in mediawikihistory table
    filter(user_edit_count == '100-499'| user_edit_count == '500+') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "week")) %>%
    group_by(date, amc_selection) %>% 
    summarise(n_opt = sum(n_opt)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=date, y = n_opt, color = amc_selection)) + 
    geom_line(size = 1)+
    scale_y_continuous("Weekly count", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "1 month") +
    labs(title = "Weekly retention rate of opt-in AMC on all target wikis where deployed",
        subtitle = "Limited to medium to high-volume editors (100+ and 500+ user edit counts)") +
geom_vline(xintercept = vertical_lines,
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=20, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-06-17'), y=20, label="AMC deployed on Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Thai Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),

ggsave("Figures/amc_retention_weekly_byeditcount_.png", amc_retention_overall_byeditcount, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)
In [884]:
# Overall retention rate for 100+ and 500+ editors

amc_retention_prop_overall_byeditor <- amc_retention_rates %>%
 filter(date <= '2019-06-30',
         user_edit_count == 'under 100' | user_edit_count == '100-499' | user_edit_count == '500+') %>% #Filter to key user groups and remove incomplete July data
group_by(user_edit_count, amc_selection) %>%
summarise(n_opt = sum(n_opt)) %>%
spread(amc_selection, n_opt) %>%
group_by(user_edit_count) %>%
mutate(prop_opt_in_perct = amc_opt_in/(amc_opt_out+amc_opt_in)*100)

A grouped_df: 3 × 4
100-499 21 5170.83333
500+ 71 11361.41304
under 100296131581.62632
In [827]:
##Overall retention rate proportion among 100+ and 500+ editors

amc_retention_props_byeditor <- amc_retention_rates %>%
   filter(date <= '2019-06-30',
        user_edit_count == 'under 100' | user_edit_count == '100-499' | user_edit_count == '500+') %>% #Filter to remove undefined and incomplete July data
    group_by(user_edit_count, amc_selection) %>% 
    summarise(n_opt = sum(n_opt))%>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=factor(1), y= n_opt, fill = amc_selection)) + 
    geom_col(position="fill") +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
    facet_wrap(~ user_edit_count, scale = "free_y") +
    labs(title = "Retention rate of opt-in AMC by user edit count",
        fill = "AMC Selection",
        x = NULL,
        y = "Proportion of AMC opt-ins") +
  ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),

ggsave("Figures/amc_retention_byeditcount.png", amc_retention_props_byeditor, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

The retention rate of AMC was lower for medium to high volume editors compared to low volume editors. There was a 70.8% overall retention rate limited to users with 100+ and 61.4% rate limited to users with 500+ edits (time period: March 20, 2019-June 30, 2019).

Moderation Actions on Mobile Web

We reviewed the rate of moderation actions performed on mobile web on all the target wikis were deployed. The target was a 10% increase from last year on all mobile web (not just AMC tagged edits). Since moderation actions recorded in the log table were not tagged with both the mobile web edit and amc tag until March 18, 2019 (, we could not calculate a yoy increase for these actions but reviewed changes since March 2019 to June 2019.

Moderation actions are defined in T213461

Final moderation action list:

Using the ct_tag table

  • undo (under ct tags tag_name = 'mw-undo'; should show up in user contributions)
  • rollback (under ct tags tag_name = 'mw-rollback'; should show up in user contributions)

Using thelogs table

  • blocking users (log_action = 'block', from log table)
  • unblocking (log_action = 'unblock', from log table)
  • deleting (log_action = 'delete', from log table)
  • protecting pages (log_action = 'protect', from log table)
  • moving pages (log_action = 'move', from log table)
  • thanks (log_action = 'thank')
  • approving pending changes. Note that (per the documentation, this feature is only available on three of the wikis from the initial AMC deployment, namely arwiki, fawiki idwiki.


  • When the following actions are executed from an AMC opted-in account, they should be tagged with both advanced mobile edit and mobile web edit in the corresponding public log.
  • This analysis currently just includes the increase in moderation actions across all target wiki on mobile web and is not limited to actions tagged as AMC.


  • (enwiki-specific:) reviewing new pages (cf. Special:NewPagesFeed)
  • other reverts (that are not done via either undo or rollback)
  • Investigate mobile web edit tagging to see why delete, unblock and protect are not being tagged correctly. Previous subtask to create and vet query T220148
  • Look at proportions of mobile web edits tagged with amc tag
In [841]:
target_wikis <- c(
   "eswiki" = "Spanish", "jawiki" = "Japanese", 
    "itwiki" = "Italian", "fawiki" = "Persian", "arwiki" = "Arabic",  
    "idwiki" = "Indonesian", "thwiki" = "Thai"
In [842]:
## Overall rate for logging table actions on mobile web (not limited to AMC tags) since log items tagged 
## March 2019-June 2019
query <- "SELECT 
    DATE(LEFT(logging.log_timestamp, 8)) as date,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'block' and logging.log_action = 'block', 1, 0)) as num_block,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'block' and logging.log_action = 'unblock', 1, 0)) as num_unblock,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'delete' and logging.log_action = 'delete', 1, 0)) as num_delete,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'protect' and logging.log_action = 'protect', 1, 0)) as num_protect,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'move' and logging.log_action = 'move', 1, 0)) as num_move,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'thanks' and logging.log_action = 'thank', 1, 0)) as num_thank,
    SUM(If(logging.log_type = 'review' and logging.log_action = 'approve', 1, 0)) as num_approve
FROM logging as logging
    SELECT ct_rev_id as rev_id,
    change_tag_def.ctd_name as tag_name,
    change_tag.ct_log_id as log_id
  FROM change_tag
  INNER JOIN change_tag_def ON (
    change_tag.ct_tag_id = change_tag_def.ctd_id
) as ct
ON logging.log_id = ct.log_id
WHERE logging.log_timestamp >= '20190301' and 
logging.log_timestamp < '20190701' and 
ct.tag_name like '%mobile edit%' and 
        (ct.tag_name like '%mobile web edit%' or ct.tag_name not like '%mobile app edit%') 
GROUP By DATE(LEFT(log_timestamp, 8))"
In [843]:
moderation_counts_log <- map_df(
        set_names(names(target_wikis), names(target_wikis)),
        ~ shhh(wmf::mysql_read(glue(query), .x)),
        .id = "wiki"
 save(moderation_counts_log, file="Data/moderation_counts_log.RData")
In [844]:
moderation_counts_log$date <- as.Date(moderation_counts_log$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
In [885]:
# Query to collect unblock and rollback from the user table. Done using change tags now available in mediawiki_history

# In terminal
# spark2R --master yarn --executor-memory 2G --executor-cores 1 --driver-memory 4G

query <- "select
    date_format(event_timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as date,
    wiki_db as wiki,
    sum(cast(mw_rollback as int)) as num_rollback,
    sum(cast(mw_undo as int)) as num_undo
from (
        array_contains(revision_tags, 'mw-rollback') as mw_rollback, 
        array_contains(revision_tags, 'mw-undo') as mw_undo
    from wmf.mediawiki_history
        event_timestamp IS NOT NULL and
        array_contains(revision_tags, 'mobile web edit') and
        wiki_db in ('eswiki', 'arwiki', 'idwiki', 'itwiki', 'jawiki', 'fawiki', 'thwiki') and
        event_timestamp >= '2019-03-01' and   event_timestamp < '2019-07-01' and 
        snapshot = '2019-06'
) edits
group by wiki_db, date_format(event_timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd')"

results <- collect(sql(query))
save(results, file="R/Data/moderation_counts_ct.RData")
In [845]:
moderation_counts_ct <- results
moderation_counts_ct$date <- as.Date(moderation_counts_ct$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
In [846]:
##Join the two moderation count tables
moderation_counts_all <- inner_join(moderation_counts_log, moderation_counts_ct, 
                                     by = c("date", "wiki"))

Moderation action rate by action type

In [853]:
moderation_counts_bytype_total <- moderation_counts_all %>%
    gather(action_type, action_count, num_block:num_undo) %>%
    filter(date >= '2019-03-18') %>% #date where log actions were tagged
    group_by(action_type) %>% 
    summarise(action_count = sum(action_count)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=action_type, y= action_count, fill = action_type)) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity') +
    geom_text(aes(label=action_count), vjust=0) +
 labs(title = "Moderation actions rate on target wikis by action type \n March 2019-June 2019") +
     ylab("total counts")+
     xlab("type") +
ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 11, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),
        legend.position = "none")
ggsave("Figures/moderation_counts_bytype_total.png", moderation_counts_bytype_total, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)
In [874]:
#Plot overall moderation actions by action type

moderation_counts_bytype_monthly <- moderation_counts_all %>%
    gather(action_type, action_count, num_block:num_undo) %>%
    filter(date >= '2019-03-18') %>%
    mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
group_by(date, action_type) %>% 
    summarise(action_count = sum(action_count)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=date, y = action_count, color = action_type)) + 
    geom_line(size = 1)+
    scale_y_continuous("Monthly action count", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "1 month") +
    labs(title = "Monthly moderation actions rate on target wikis by action type") +
geom_vline(xintercept = as.Date('2019-03-20'),
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=900, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 11, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),

ggsave("Figures/moderation_counts_bytype_monthly.png", moderation_counts_bytype_monthly , width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

There are no significant changes in the rate of each moderation action type use from March 2019 to June 2019. Both the thank and the block actions are the most commonly used moderation actions on mobile web in the target countries. There were no tags of delete, protect or unblock as mobile web edit in the past year. We will investigate futher to determine if this is due to a an error in how these events were recorded.

Moderation actions by wiki

In [872]:
#Total Counts of moderation action by wiki

moderation_counts_bywiki_total <- moderation_counts_all %>%
    gather(action_type, action_count, num_block:num_undo) %>%
    group_by(wiki) %>% 
    summarise(action_count = sum(action_count)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=wiki, y= action_count, fill = wiki)) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity') +
    geom_text(aes(label=action_count), vjust=0) +
 labs(title = "Moderation actions counts by target wiki \n Between June 2018 and June 2019") +
     ylab("total counts")+
     xlab("type") +
ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 11, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),
        legend.position = "none")

ggsave("Figures/moderation_counts_bywiki_total.png", moderation_counts_bywiki_total, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)
In [879]:
#Plot overall moderation actions monthly

moderation_counts_bywiki_monthly <- moderation_counts_all %>%
    gather(action_type, action_count, num_block:num_undo) %>%
    arrange(desc(date)) %>%
mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
group_by(date, wiki) %>% 
    summarise(action_count = sum(action_count)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=date, y = action_count, color = wiki)) + 
    geom_line(size = 1)+
    scale_y_continuous("Weekly action count", labels = polloi::compress) +
    scale_x_date("Date", labels = date_format("%b %Y"), date_breaks = "1 month") +
    labs(title = "Monthly moderation actions count on target wikis") +
geom_vline(xintercept = as.Date('2019-03-20'),
             linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
  geom_text(aes(x=as.Date('2019-03-20'), y=800, label="AMC deployed on Arabic, Indonesian, and Spanish Wikipedias"), size=3.5, vjust = -1.2, angle = 90, color = "black") +
    ggthemes::theme_tufte(base_size = 12, base_family = "Gill Sans") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid = element_line("gray70"),

ggsave("Figures/moderation_counts_bywiki_monthly.png", moderation_counts_bywiki_monthly, width = 18, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 150)

Overall moderation action rate

In [883]:
#Calculate MoM (month over month) overall increase in moderation actions.

moderation_action_monthly_overall_mom <- moderation_counts_all %>%
  gather(action_type, action_count, num_block:num_undo)  %>%
mutate(date = floor_date(date, "month")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(total_action_count = sum(action_count)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
mutate(monthOvermoth = (total_action_count - lag(total_action_count))/lag(total_action_count))

A tibble: 4 × 3
2019-03-012536 NA
2019-04-013805 0.50039432
2019-05-014085 0.07358739

Italian Wikipedia had the highest number of moderation actions on mobile web the past year (5,662) while Thai Wikipedia had the lowest (180). There were no significant changes in the rates of moderation actions immediately following the AMC deployements with month over month increases and decreases under 1%. We will reinvestiate following promotion of the feature.