Measure the impact of external automatic translation services

This report is updating daily at 2AM UTC. If you have any comments or questions, please leave your feedback in the ticket:

The code for this notebook can be access at:


  • Number of page views from Toledo: As of June 2019, the daily number of page views from Toledo ranges between 20k and 60k. It is represented by the blue line in the graph Page views translated to Indonesian via Google Translate from all languages.
  • Ratio of Toledo pageviews to Indonesian Wikipedia pageviews: As of June 2019, the ratio of Toledo pageviews to Indonesian Wikipedia pageviews is between 0.5% - 1%. The daily ratio is represented in the graph Comparing auto-translated pageviews with Indonesian Wikipedia pageviews.
  • Number of new page creation via Toledo: As of June 2019, there are less than 7 new pages created via Toledo in total -- among these 7 pages, some are testing creation and some may from users who initiated the translation themselves. The daily number is represented by the blue line in the graph Number of new page creation on Indonesian Wikipedia.
  • Number of edits (including the first edit of new pages) via Toledo: As of June 2019, there are less than 16 edits via Toledo in total -- among these 16 edits, some are testing edits and some may from users who initiated the translation themselves. The daily number is represented by the blue line in the graph Number of edits on Indonesian Wikipedia.
In [1]:
from datetime import datetime

import dateutil
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly import tools
import wmfdata as wmf

current_date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
You are using wmfdata 0.1.0 (latest).

You can find the source for `wmfdata` at
In [2]:

A. Page views translated to Indonesian via Google Translate, by translation initialization type

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The following graphs break down the pageviews into two types:

  • Automatic translation from search result page: Pages translated from other languages are shown in the search result directly.
  • User initiated translation: Users paste a link to pages in other languages in Google Translate, or users click on the "Translate this page" link under a search result in other languages.
In [3]:
translated_pageviews ="""
  CONCAT(year, '-', LPAD(month, 2, '0'), '-', LPAD(day, 2, '0')) AS date,
    'Automatic translation from search result page', 
    'User initiated translation'
  ) AS initiation_method, (
    to_language = 'id' OR
    (to_language is null OR to_language='') AND home_language = 'id'
  ) AS is_id,
  SUM(count) AS pageviews
FROM neilpquinn.toledo_pageviews
    year = 2018 AND month = 12 AND day > 2 OR
     year >= 2019
  ) AND
  agent_type = 'user' AND
  client_srp IS NOT NULL
  year, month, day, 
  (to_language = 'id' OR (to_language is null OR to_language='') AND home_language = 'id')
  year, month, day,
LIMIT 1000000
""").query("date < @current_date") # Remove today's partial data
In [4]:
translated_pageviews_id = translated_pageviews.query("is_id").pivot(
fig = {
  'data': [{
    'x': translated_pageviews_id.index,
    'y': translated_pageviews_id[col],
    'name': col
  } for col in translated_pageviews_id.columns],
  'layout': {
    'yaxis': {'title': "Page Views"},
    'title': {'text': 'Page views translated to Indonesian via Google Translate from all languages'},
    'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.25},
    'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1},
    'annotations': [{
      'text':'Google launched the<br>automatic translation<br>service for Indonesian<br>users on mobile',
      'ax': 70,
      'ay': 70


  • On December 5 2018, Google launched the automatic translation service for Indonesian users on mobile. That's when the page views from auto-translation via Google search result page (blue line) started to increase.
  • On March 7 2019, we started to redirect Google Translate traffic with a source wiki of enwiki to the mobile site (m.enwiki). It shouldn't have any impact on the numbers we are monitoring above.

B. Indonesian Wikipedia pageviews, by referrer class

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Please check for total pageviews on all wikimedia projects by referrer class.

In [5]:
pageviews ="""
  CONCAT(year, '-', LPAD(month, 2, '0'), '-', LPAD(day, 2, '0')) AS date,
  project = 'id.wikipedia' AS is_id,
  SUM(view_count) AS pageviews
FROM wmf.projectview_hourly
    year = 2018 AND month = 12 AND day > 2 OR
    year >= 2019
  ) AND
  project LIKE '%wikipedia' AND
  agent_type = 'user' AND
  access_method != 'mobile app'
  year, month, day, 
  project = 'id.wikipedia'
  year, month, day
LIMIT 1000000
""").query("date < @current_date")
In [6]:
desktop_pageviews_id = (
  .query("is_id & access_method == 'desktop'")

# Convert each count into a proportion of the daily total
daily_totals = desktop_pageviews_id.sum(axis=1)
desktop_pageviews_id = desktop_pageviews_id.div(daily_totals, axis="index")

fig = {
  'data': [{
    'x': desktop_pageviews_id.index,
    'y': desktop_pageviews_id[col],
    'name': col
  } for col in desktop_pageviews_id.columns],
  'layout': {
    'yaxis': {
      'title': "Proportion of pageviews",
      'tickformat': ',.3%'
    'title': {'text': 'Proportion of desktop pageviews on Indonesian Wikipedia, by referrer class'},
    'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.4},
    'hoverlabel': {'namelength': -1}
In [7]:
mobile_pageviews_id = (
  .query("is_id & access_method == 'mobile web'")

# Convert each count into a proportion of the daily total
daily_totals = mobile_pageviews_id.sum(axis=1)
mobile_pageviews_id = mobile_pageviews_id.div(daily_totals, axis="index")

fig = {
  'data': [{
    'x': mobile_pageviews_id.index,
    'y': mobile_pageviews_id[col],
    'name': col
  } for col in mobile_pageviews_id.columns],
  'layout': {
    'yaxis': {
      'title': "Proportion of pageviews",
      'tickformat': ',.3%'
    'title': {'text': 'Proportion of mobile pageviews on Indonesian Wikipedia, by referrer class'},
    'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.4},
    'hoverlabel': {'namelength': -1}

C. Comparing auto-translated pageviews with Indonesian Wikipedia pageviews

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In [8]:
idwiki_pageviews = (

idwiki_autotranslated_pageviews = (
  .query("is_id & initiation_method == 'Automatic translation from search result page'")

idwiki_autotranslation_prop = idwiki_autotranslated_pageviews / idwiki_pageviews

fig = {
  'data': [{
    'x': idwiki_autotranslation_prop.index,
    'y': idwiki_autotranslation_prop.values,
  'layout': {
    'yaxis': {
      'title': "Proportion of total pageviews",
      'tickformat': ',.3%'
    'title': {'text': 'Share of Indonesian Wikipedia pageviews from auto-translation'},
    'margin':{'l': 90},
    'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1},
    'annotations': [{
      'x': '2018-12-05',
      'y': 0.0037,
      'text': 'Google launched the<br>automatic translation<br>service for Indonesian<br>users on mobile',
      'ax': 70,
      'ay': 70

2. ExternalGuidance user funnel

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The conversion rate in this section are event level conversion rate rather than user level conversion. Currently we don't have reliable method to identify user/session consistently from reading to editing. The conversion rates are calculated as:

  • Translated page to automatic translation info = Number of access to the automatic translation info / Number of access to the translated page
  • Translated page to contribution options page = Number of access to the contribution options page / Number of access to the translated page
  • Contribution options page to edit = Number of clicks on the edit buttons on the contribution options page (local/original) / Number of access to the contribution options page
  • Editing start to edit saved = Number of saved edits with the tag "campaign-external-machine-translation" / Number of clicks on the edit buttons on the contribution options page (local/original)


  • Bug:T227150: There was a bug causing the counts of event init and mtinfo from ExternalGuidance drop drastically since June 17 2019. It has been fixed.

A. All languages

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In [9]:
eg_events ="""
  CONCAT(year, '-', LPAD(month, 2, '0'), '-', LPAD(day, 2, '0')) AS date,
  COUNT(1) as n_events
FROM event.externalguidance
    year = 2019 and month = 3 and day > 13 OR
    year = 2019 and month > 3 OR
    year > 2019
  ) AND
  NOT useragent.is_bot
  year, month, day,
ORDER BY year, month, day
LIMIT 1000000
""").query("date < @current_date") # Remove today's partial data
In [10]:
edits ="""
  SUBSTR(r.rev_timestamp, 0, 10) AS date,
  IF(array_contains(t.tags, "mobile edit"), 'mobile', 'desktop') AS access_method,
  IF(array_contains(t.tags, "campaign-external-machine-translation"), TRUE, FALSE) AS is_eg_edit,
  r.`database` = 'idwiki' AS is_id,
  r.rev_parent_id IS NULL AS is_new_page,
  COUNT(DISTINCT r.rev_id) AS edits
FROM event.mediawiki_revision_tags_change t
RIGHT OUTER JOIN event.mediawiki_revision_create r
  t.rev_id = r.rev_id AND
  r.year >= 2019 AND
  t.year >= 2019 AND
  r.page_id = t.page_id AND
  r.`database` = t.`database` AND
  r.page_namespace = t.page_namespace
  NOT r.performer.user_is_bot AND
  NOT ARRAY_CONTAINS(r.performer.user_groups, 'bot') AND
  SUBSTR(r.rev_timestamp, 0, 4) >= 2019 AND
  r.meta.domain LIKE '%wikipedia%'
  SUBSTR(r.rev_timestamp, 0, 10), 
  ARRAY_CONTAINS(t.tags, "mobile edit"),
  ARRAY_CONTAINS(t.tags, "campaign-external-machine-translation"),
  r.`database` = 'idwiki', r.rev_parent_id IS NULL
LIMIT 1000000
""").query("date < @current_date") # Remove today's partial data
In [11]:
eg_edits = edits.query("is_eg_edit").groupby(['date','is_id'], as_index = False)['edits'].sum()
In [12]:
eg_events['action'] = eg_events['action'].map({
  'init': 'Access the translated page',
  'specialpage': 'Access the contribution options page',
  'createpage': 'Create a new page in local language',
  'editpage': 'Edit an existing page in local language',
  'mtinfo': 'View information about automatic translation', 
  'edit-original': 'Edit the original article'
In [14]:
el_by_action = (
  .groupby(['date','action'], as_index = False)
    eg_edits.groupby('date', as_index=False)['edits'].sum(),
  .rename(columns={'edits': 'Edit saved successfully'})

data = [{'x': el_by_action.index,
  'y': el_by_action[col],
  'name': col
  }  for col in el_by_action.columns.difference(['Access the translated page', 'View information about automatic translation', 'Access the contribution options page'])] \
  + [{'x': el_by_action.index,
  'y': el_by_action[col],
  'name': col,
  'xaxis': 'x2',
  'yaxis': 'y2'
  }  for col in ['View information about automatic translation', 'Access the contribution options page']] \
  + [{'x': el_by_action.index,
  'y': el_by_action['Access the translated page'],
  'name': 'Access the translated page',
  'xaxis': 'x3',
  'yaxis': 'y3'}]
fig = {
  'data': data,
  'layout': {
      'height': 700,
      'xaxis': {'showline': True},
      'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline': True},
      'xaxis3': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y3', 'showline': True},
      'yaxis': {'domain': [0, 0.333]},
      'yaxis2': {'domain': [0.333, 0.667], 'side': 'right'}, 
      'yaxis3': {'domain': [0.667, 1]}, 
      'title': {'text': 'Number of events by action type, for all languages'},
      'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.42},
      'hoverlabel': {'namelength': -1}
In [15]:
el_funnel = eg_events.copy()
    'Create a new page in local language', \
    'Edit the original article', \
    'Edit an existing page in local language'
  'action'] = 'edit'
el_funnel = (
  .groupby(['date','action'], as_index = False)
  .pivot(index='date' , columns='action', values='n_events')
  .merge(eg_edits.groupby('date', as_index=False)['edits'].sum(), how='left', on='date')

el_funnel['Translated page to automatic translation info']  = el_funnel['View information about automatic translation'].div(el_funnel['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel['Translated page to contribution options page']  = el_funnel['Access the contribution options page'].div(el_funnel['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel['Contribution options page to editing start']  = el_funnel['edit'].div(el_funnel['Access the contribution options page'])
# el_funnel['Translated page to editing start']  = el_funnel['edit'].div(el_funnel['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel['Editing start to edit saved']  = el_funnel['edits'].div(el_funnel['edit'])
# el_funnel['Translated page to edit saved']  = el_funnel['edits'].div(el_funnel['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel = el_funnel.fillna(0)
In [16]:
data = [{'x': el_funnel.index,
    'y': el_funnel[col],
    'name': col
    }  for col in ['Translated page to automatic translation info', 'Translated page to contribution options page']]
data = data + [{'x': el_funnel.index,
    'y': el_funnel[col],
    'name': col,
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    }  for col in ['Contribution options page to editing start', 'Editing start to edit saved']]
fig = {
  'data': data,
  'layout': {
    'height': 700,
    'xaxis': {'showticklabels': False},
    'yaxis': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0, 0.5]},
    'yaxis2': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.5, 1], 'side': 'right'}, 
    'title': {'text': 'Conversion rate from access to contribution, for all languages'},
    'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.25},
    'hoverlabel': {'namelength': -1}

Note: The conversion rate from contribution options page to edit can be greater than 100% because users can click both buttons on that page: edit the original article or create a new page in local lanuage (or edit an existing page in local language).

B. Pages translated to Indonesian

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In [18]:
el_by_action_id = (
  .groupby(['date','action'],as_index = False)
    eg_edits[eg_edits.is_id].groupby('date', as_index=False)['edits'].sum(),
  .rename(columns={'edits': 'Edit saved on Indonesian Wikipedia'})
In [19]:
data = [{'x': el_by_action_id.index,
    'y': el_by_action_id[col],
    'name': col
    }  for col in el_by_action_id.columns.difference(['Access the translated page', 'View information about automatic translation', 'Access the contribution options page'])] \
    + [{'x': el_by_action_id.index,
    'y': el_by_action_id[col],
    'name': col,
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    }  for col in ['View information about automatic translation', 'Access the contribution options page']] \
    + [{'x': el_by_action_id.index,
    'y': el_by_action_id['Access the translated page'],
    'name': 'Access the translated page',
    'xaxis': 'x3',
    'yaxis': 'y3'}]
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 700,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'xaxis3': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y3', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'domain': [0, 0.333]},
        'yaxis2': {'domain': [0.333, 0.667], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'yaxis3': {'domain': [0.667, 1]}, 
        'title': {'text': 'Number of events by action type, for pages translated to Indonesian'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.42},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [20]:
el_funnel_id = el_by_action_id.copy()
el_funnel_id['edit'] = el_funnel_id['Create a new page in local language'] + \
                          el_funnel_id['Edit the original article'] + \
                          el_funnel_id['Edit an existing page in local language']
el_funnel_id['Translated page to automatic translation info']  = el_funnel_id['View information about automatic translation'].div(el_funnel_id['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel_id['Translated page to contribution options page']  = el_funnel_id['Access the contribution options page'].div(el_funnel_id['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel_id['Contribution options page to editing start']  = el_funnel_id['edit'].div(el_funnel_id['Access the contribution options page'])
# el_funnel_id['Translated page to edit']  = el_funnel_id['edit'].div(el_funnel_id['Access the translated page'])
el_funnel_id['Editing start to edit saved(approx)']  = el_funnel_id['Edit saved on Indonesian Wikipedia'].div(el_funnel_id['edit'])
el_funnel_id = el_funnel_id.fillna(0)
In [21]:
data = [{'x': el_funnel_id.index,
    'y': el_funnel_id[col],
    'name': col
    }  for col in ['Translated page to automatic translation info', 'Translated page to contribution options page']]
data = data + [{'x': el_funnel_id.index,
    'y': el_funnel_id[col],
    'name': col,
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    }  for col in ['Contribution options page to editing start', 'Editing start to edit saved(approx)']]
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 700,
        'xaxis': {'showticklabels': False},
        'yaxis': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0, 0.5]},
        'yaxis2': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.5, 1], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'title': {'text': 'Conversion rate from access to contribution, for pages translated to Indonesian'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.25},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}


  • The conversion rate from contribution options page to edit can be greater than 100% because users can click both buttons on that page: edit the original article or create a new page in local lanuage (or edit an existing page in local language).
  • Here the conversion rate from editing start to edit saved is an approximation since we are not counting those saved edits on Wikipedia in other languages (i.e. when users contribute to the original article). This is because we can only tell which saved edit is from external guidance using the revision tag, but there is no information about the language this page was translated to in Mediawiki revision information.

C. Access to translated pages from English by top languages

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In [22]:
top_lang = (
  eg_events[(eg_events.action=='Access the translated page')&(eg_events.source_language=='en')]
  .nlargest(5, 'n_events')

el_top_lang = (
  .query("action == 'Access the translated page' & source_language == 'en' & target_language.isin(@top_lang)")
  .groupby(['date','target_language'],as_index = False)

fig = {
    'data': [{
    'x': el_top_lang.index,
    'y': el_top_lang[col],
    'name': col
    }  for col in el_top_lang.columns],
    'layout': {
        'yaxis': {'title': "Number of events"},
        'title': {'text': 'Number of access to the translated pages from English, by top 5 target languages'},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}

3. Wikipedia user funnel

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The conversion rate in this section are event level conversion rate rather than user level conversion. Currently we don't have reliable method to identify user/session consistently from reading to editing. The conversion rates are calculated as:

  • Reading to editing start = Number of editor initialization events / Pageviews
  • Editing start to edit saved = Number of saved edits / Number of editor initialization events
  • Reading to edit saved = Number of saved edits / Pageviews


  • Bug:T221197: On June 25 2019, we entirely stopped logging events to EditAttemptStep for registered users on mobile. Desktop users seem unaffected, and unregistered mobile users seem to have been partially affected. This bug was fixed on July 4. See T221197 for more details.
In [23]:
wiki_edit_init ="""
  CONCAT(year, '-', LPAD(month, 2, '0'), '-', LPAD(day, 2, '0')) AS date,
    (length(useragent.wmf_app_version) > 2) OR
    (webhost rlike "(^(m|zero|wap|mobile)\\.)|(\\.(m|zero|wap|mobile)\\.)"),
  ) AS access_method,
  wiki = 'idwiki' AS is_id,
  -- is_oversample means this event is extra: 15/16
  SUM(if(event.is_oversample, 0, 16)) AS init
FROM event.editattemptstep
  year >= 2019 AND
  webhost LIKE '%wikipedia%' AND
  NOT useragent.is_bot AND
  event.action = 'ready' -- ready should eliminate those undetected bot
-- and event.init_mechanism != 'url'
  year, month, day,
  wiki = 'idwiki',
    (length(useragent.wmf_app_version) > 2) OR
    (webhost rlike "(^(m|zero|wap|mobile)\\.)|(\\.(m|zero|wap|mobile)\\.)"),
  year, month, day
LIMIT 1000000
""").query("date < @current_date") # Remove today's partial data
In [24]:
wiki_funnel_pageviews = pageviews[ >= '2019-01-01']
  wiki_funnel_pageviews.access_method.isin(['mobile web', 'mobile app']),
] = 'mobile'
/home/neilpquinn-wmf/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

A. All languages

Back to Table of Contents

In [25]:
all_lang_wiki_funnel = wiki_funnel_pageviews.groupby(['date', 'access_method'], as_index = False)['pageviews'].sum() \
.merge(wiki_edit_init.groupby(['date', 'access_method'], as_index = False)['init'].sum(),on=['date', 'access_method']) \
.merge(edits.groupby(['date', 'access_method'], as_index = False)['edits'].sum(),on=['date', 'access_method'])
all_lang_wiki_funnel['Reading to editing start']  = all_lang_wiki_funnel['init'].div(all_lang_wiki_funnel['pageviews'])
all_lang_wiki_funnel['Editing start to edit saved']  = all_lang_wiki_funnel['edits'].div(all_lang_wiki_funnel['init'])
all_lang_wiki_funnel['Reading to edit saved']  = all_lang_wiki_funnel['edits'].div(all_lang_wiki_funnel['pageviews'])
In [26]:
all_lang_wiki_funnel_desktop = all_lang_wiki_funnel[all_lang_wiki_funnel.access_method == 'desktop']
data = [{'x':,
    'y': all_lang_wiki_funnel_desktop['Reading to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Reading to edit saved'
    'y': all_lang_wiki_funnel_desktop['Reading to editing start'],
    'name': 'Reading to editing start',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    'y': all_lang_wiki_funnel_desktop['Editing start to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Editing start to edit saved',
    'xaxis': 'x3',
    'yaxis': 'y3'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 700,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'xaxis3': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y3', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0, 0.333]},
        'yaxis2': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.333, 0.667], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'yaxis3': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.667, 1]},
        'title': {'text': 'Conversion rate on desktop from reading to editing, for all languages'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [27]:
all_lang_wiki_funnel_mobile = all_lang_wiki_funnel[all_lang_wiki_funnel.access_method == 'mobile']
data = [{'x':,
    'y': all_lang_wiki_funnel_mobile['Reading to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Reading to edit saved'
    'y': all_lang_wiki_funnel_mobile['Reading to editing start'],
    'name': 'Reading to editing start',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    'y': all_lang_wiki_funnel_mobile['Editing start to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Editing start to edit saved',
    'xaxis': 'x3',
    'yaxis': 'y3'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 700,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'xaxis3': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y3', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0, 0.333]},
        'yaxis2': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.333, 0.667], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'yaxis3': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.667, 1]},
        'title': {'text': 'Conversion rate on mobile from reading to editing, for all languages'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1},
        'annotations': [{'x':'2019-06-25', 'y':0, 'xref':'x3', 'yref':'y3', 'text':'Bug:T221197',
                        'ax': -30, 'ay': -50},
                        {'x':'2019-06-25', 'y':0.003, 'xref':'x2', 'yref':'y2', 'text':'Bug:T221197',
                        'ax': -30, 'ay': 50}]

B. Indonesian Wikipedia

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In [28]:
idwiki_funnel = wiki_funnel_pageviews[wiki_funnel_pageviews.is_id].groupby(['date', 'access_method'], as_index = False)['pageviews'].sum() \
.merge(wiki_edit_init[wiki_edit_init.is_id].groupby(['date', 'access_method'], as_index = False)['init'].sum(),on=['date', 'access_method']) \
.merge(edits[edits.is_id].groupby(['date', 'access_method'], as_index = False)['edits'].sum(),on=['date', 'access_method'])
idwiki_funnel['Reading to editing start']  = idwiki_funnel['init'].div(idwiki_funnel['pageviews'])
idwiki_funnel['Editing start to edit saved']  = idwiki_funnel['edits'].div(idwiki_funnel['init'])
idwiki_funnel['Reading to edit saved']  = idwiki_funnel['edits'].div(idwiki_funnel['pageviews'])
In [29]:
idwiki_funnel_desktop = idwiki_funnel[idwiki_funnel.access_method == 'desktop']
data = [{'x':,
    'y': idwiki_funnel_desktop['Reading to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Reading to edit saved'
    'y': idwiki_funnel_desktop['Reading to editing start'],
    'name': 'Reading to editing start',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    'y': idwiki_funnel_desktop['Editing start to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Editing start to edit saved',
    'xaxis': 'x3',
    'yaxis': 'y3'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 700,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'xaxis3': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y3', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0, 0.333]},
        'yaxis2': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.333, 0.667], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'yaxis3': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.667, 1]},
        'title': {'text': 'Conversion rate on desktop from reading to editing, for Indonesian Wikipedia'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [30]:
idwiki_funnel_mobile = idwiki_funnel[idwiki_funnel.access_method == 'mobile']
data = [{'x':,
    'y': idwiki_funnel_mobile['Reading to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Reading to edit saved'
    'y': idwiki_funnel_mobile['Reading to editing start'],
    'name': 'Reading to editing start',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
    'y': idwiki_funnel_mobile['Editing start to edit saved'],
    'name': 'Editing start to edit saved',
    'xaxis': 'x3',
    'yaxis': 'y3'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 700,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'xaxis3': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y3', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0, 0.333]},
        'yaxis2': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.333, 0.667], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'yaxis3': {'tickformat': ',.3%', 'domain': [0.667, 1]},
        'title': {'text': 'Conversion rate on mobile from reading to editing, for Indonesian Wikipedia'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1},
        'annotations': [{'x':'2019-06-25', 'y':0, 'xref':'x3', 'yref':'y3', 'text':'Bug:T221197',
                        'ax': -30, 'ay': -50},
                        {'x':'2019-06-25', 'y':0.005, 'xref':'x2', 'yref':'y2', 'text':'Bug:T221197',
                        'ax': -30, 'ay': 50}]

4. Content produced

Back to Table of Contents

A. Page creation

Back to Table of Contents

In [31]:
wiki_new_page ="""
select substr(rev_timestamp, 0, 10) AS date,
database='idwiki' as is_id,
rev_sha1 is not NULL as is_eg_edit,
count(*) as new_pages,
sum(cast(page_id is not NULL as int)) as deleted_pages
from (
    select distinct c.rev_timestamp, c.`database`, c.rev_id, d.page_id, t.rev_sha1
    from event.mediawiki_page_create c left outer join event.mediawiki_page_delete d on (
        c.page_id = d.page_id 
        and c.`database`=d.`database` 
        and c.page_namespace = d.page_namespace 
        and c.year>=2019 and d.year>=2019)
        left outer join event.mediawiki_revision_tags_change t on (
        c.page_id = t.page_id
        and c.rev_id = t.rev_id
        and c.`database`=t.`database`
        and c.page_namespace = t.page_namespace 
        and c.year>=2019 and t.year>=2019
        and array_contains(t.tags, "campaign-external-machine-translation"))
    where c.year>=2019
    and substr(c.rev_timestamp, 0, 4) >= 2019
    and c.meta.domain like '%wikipedia%'
    and not c.performer.user_is_bot
    and not array_contains(c.performer.user_groups, 'bot')
) as tbl
group by substr(rev_timestamp, 0, 10), database='idwiki', rev_sha1 is not NULL
order by date asc
limit 1000000
In [32]:
wiki_new_page = wiki_new_page[ < current_date]
In [33]:
egprop_newpage_all = wiki_new_page.groupby(['date','is_eg_edit'], as_index=False)['new_pages'].sum() \
egprop_newpage_all.columns = ['All page creation', 'Page creation from external guidance extension']
data = [{'x': egprop_newpage_all.index,
    'y': egprop_newpage_all['Page creation from external guidance extension'],
    'name': 'Page creation from external guidance extension'
    {'x': egprop_newpage_all.index,
    'y': egprop_newpage_all['All page creation'],
    'name': 'All page creation',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 600,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'domain': [0, 0.5]},
        'yaxis2': {'domain': [0.5, 1], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'title': {'text': 'Number of new page creation on Wikipedia, for all languages'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [34]:
egprop_newpage_id = wiki_new_page[wiki_new_page.is_id].groupby(['date','is_eg_edit'], as_index=False)['new_pages'].sum() \
egprop_newpage_id.columns = ['All page creation', 'Page creation from external guidance extension']
data = [{'x': egprop_newpage_id.index,
    'y': egprop_newpage_id['Page creation from external guidance extension'],
    'name': 'Page creation from external guidance extension'
    {'x': egprop_newpage_id.index,
    'y': egprop_newpage_id['All page creation'],
    'name': 'All page creation',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 600,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'domain': [0, 0.5]},
        'yaxis2': {'domain': [0.5, 1], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'title': {'text': 'Number of new page creation on Indonesian Wikipedia'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}

B. All edit (including the first edit of new pages)

Back to Table of Contents

In [35]:
egprop_edit_all = edits.groupby(['date','is_eg_edit'], as_index=False)['edits'].sum() \
egprop_edit_all.columns = ['All edits', 'Edits from external guidance extension']
data = [{'x': egprop_edit_all.index,
    'y': egprop_edit_all['Edits from external guidance extension'],
    'name': 'Edits from external guidance extension'
    {'x': egprop_edit_all.index,
    'y': egprop_edit_all['All edits'],
    'name': 'All edits',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 600,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'domain': [0, 0.5]},
        'yaxis2': {'domain': [0.5, 1], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'title': {'text': 'Number of edits on Wikipedia, for all languages'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [36]:
egprop_edit_id = edits[edits.is_id].groupby(['date','is_eg_edit'], as_index=False)['edits'].sum() \
egprop_edit_id.columns = ['All edits', 'Edits from external guidance extension']
data = [{'x': egprop_edit_id.index,
    'y': egprop_edit_id['Edits from external guidance extension'],
    'name': 'Edits from external guidance extension'
    {'x': egprop_edit_id.index,
    'y': egprop_edit_id['All edits'],
    'name': 'All edits',
    'xaxis': 'x2',
    'yaxis': 'y2'
fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': {
        'height': 600,
        'xaxis': {'showline':True},
        'xaxis2': {'showticklabels': False, 'anchor':'y2', 'showline':True},
        'yaxis': {'domain': [0, 0.5]},
        'yaxis2': {'domain': [0.5, 1], 'side': 'right'}, 
        'title': {'text': 'Number of edits on Indonesian Wikipedia'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.2},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}

C. Content survival

Back to Table of Contents

In [37]:
page_delete_prop = wiki_new_page.groupby(['date','is_id'], as_index=False)['new_pages','deleted_pages'].sum()
page_delete_prop['prop'] = page_delete_prop['deleted_pages'].div(page_delete_prop['new_pages'])
page_delete_prop = page_delete_prop.pivot(index = 'date', columns='is_id', values='prop')
page_delete_prop.columns = ['Wikipedia in other languages', 'Indonesian Wikipedia']
eg_delte_prop = wiki_new_page[wiki_new_page.is_eg_edit].groupby('date')['new_pages','deleted_pages'].sum()
eg_delte_prop['New pages from External Guidance extension'] = eg_delte_prop['deleted_pages'].div(eg_delte_prop['new_pages'])
page_delete_prop = page_delete_prop.join(eg_delte_prop.drop(columns=['new_pages', 'deleted_pages']), how='left').fillna(0)
fig = {
    'data': [{
    'x': page_delete_prop.index,
    'y': page_delete_prop[col],
    'name': col
    }  for col in page_delete_prop.columns],
    'layout': {
        'yaxis': {'title': "Proportion of new pages",
                  'tickformat': ',.3%'
        'title': {'text': 'Deletion rate of new pages'},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.4},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [38]:
eg_edit_revert = pd.read_csv('external_machine_translation_edits_revert.tsv',sep='\t')
eg_edit_revert = eg_edit_revert.groupby('date')['is_reverted'].apply(lambda x: x.sum() / x.count()).to_frame()
eg_edit_revert.columns = ['Edits from External Guidance extension']
eg_edit_revert.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(eg_edit_revert.index)
edit_rever_date_rage = pd.date_range(start=eg_edit_revert.index.min(), end=eg_edit_revert.index.max())
eg_edit_revert = eg_edit_revert.reindex(edit_rever_date_rage, fill_value=0)
fig = {
    'data': [{
    'x': eg_edit_revert.index,
    'y': eg_edit_revert['Edits from External Guidance extension'],
    'name': 'Edits from External Guidance extension'
    'layout': {
        'yaxis': {'title': "Revert Rate",
                 'tickformat': ',.3%'},
        'title': {'text': 'Revert rate for edits from external guidance extension'},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1}
In [3]:
# If day of the month is greater than 6, then use the previous month's snapshot
day_of_month = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d")
if day_of_month > '06':
    SNAPSHOT = (datetime.utcnow() - dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)).strftime("%Y-%m")
    SNAPSHOT = (datetime.utcnow() - dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=2)).strftime("%Y-%m")
In [4]:
wiki_revert ="""
    substr(event_timestamp, 0, 10) as date,
    wiki_db = 'idwiki' as is_id,
    count(*) as edits,
    sum(cast(revision_is_identity_reverted as int)) as reverted_edits
from wmf.mediawiki_history
    event_entity = "revision" and
    event_type = "create" and
    event_timestamp >= "2018-12" and
    substr(event_timestamp, 0, 7) <= SNAPSHOT and 
    -- ^not include data that's outside of the current snapshot (data from first few days of next month in incomplete)
    snapshot = SNAPSHOT and 
    size(event_user_is_bot_by) < 1 and         
    mediawiki_history.wiki_db in (
      select distinct database_code
      from canonical_data.wikis
      where database_group = 'wikipedia'
group by substr(event_timestamp, 0, 10), wiki_db = 'idwiki'
order by date
limit 1000000
In [5]:
wiki_revert['revert_rate'] = wiki_revert['reverted_edits'].div(wiki_revert['edits'])
wiki_revert = wiki_revert.pivot(index = 'date', columns = 'is_id', values = 'revert_rate')
wiki_revert.columns = ['Wikipedia in other languages', 'Indonesian Wikipedia']
fig = {
    'data': [{
    'x': wiki_revert.index,
    'y': wiki_revert[col],
    'name': col
    }  for col in wiki_revert.columns],
    'layout': {
        'yaxis': {'title': "Revert Rate", 'tickformat': ',.3%'},
        'title': {'text': 'Edit revert rate on Wikipedia'},
        'hoverlabel': {'namelength' : -1},
        'legend': {'x': 0, 'y': -0.25},
In [ ]:
# Proportion in overall edits: external guidance edits/all edits, idwiki vs all wikis